Topic : How add __irq compiler options to Ride7 makefile?

Forum : Ride IDE

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November 4, 2015 - 2:45pm
Piotr Darski


I have started using GFXTouch graphics library. For testing purpose I have read example project written in Keil. After sucessfull import of project structer I have got erro meassage during

STM32F4HAL.cpp compilation: 

..\Users\Piotr\Downloads\GFXTouch\touchgfx-release-4.3.0-eval\touchgfx\framework\source\platform\hal\ST\mcu\stm32f4cube\STM32F4HAL.cpp:117:1: error: '__irq' does not name a type 

Does any one can help me where I can add additional compiler options. GFX touch has written to me taht I should use: 

assembler_options += -mcpu=cortex-m4 -march=armv7e-m -Wno-psabi $(float_options) -DCORE_M4 -D__irq=""

c_compiler_options += -mcpu=cortex-m4 -march=armv7e-m  -Wno-psabi $(float_options) -DCORE_M4 -D__irq=""

cpp_compiler_options += -mcpu=cortex-m4 -march=armv7e-m -Wno-psabi $(float_options) -DCORE_M4 -D__irq=""


Post Information Post
November 20, 2015 - 10:18am
Etienne Cassin

Dear Piotr,

I suggest you to add -DCORE_M4 -D__irq="" options in GCC compiler and AS asssembler:

add these two options in Ride7 Local Settings -> GCC compiler -> More -> "More compiler options" and Ride7 Local Settings -> AS assembler -> Assembler options -> "Additional options"

Let us know if it solves your issue.

Best Regards,

November 20, 2015 - 10:31am
Piotr Darski

Dear Etienne,

yes, yes I have added -DCORE_M4 -D__irq=.

It correct problems. I have one more problem (it is the same subject). I wanted add makefile from GFX Touch - thay have prepare complete make file for their graphics library example.

I cannot identify problem:


----------------Build Started: 'application' in configuration 'Standard'--------------------------
Building C:\Users\Piotr\Downloads\GFXTouch\LAST\touchgfx-release-4.3.0-eval\app\example\canvas_widget_example\target\ST\STM324x9I-CUBE\Keil\application.rapp
 Running: Make
 gnumale+ride_1.bat -j -f "C:\Users\Piotr\Downloads\GFXTouch\LAST\touchgfx-release-4.3.0-eval\app\example\canvas_widget_example\target\ST\STM324x9I-CUBE\gcc\Makefile"  
 Nie mo¿na odnaleŸæ okreœlonego pliku.
  Error Code: 0xffffffff
Build failed "

It seems that it is problem with path but their makefile is really hard written.

GFX Touch is produced by Droupner Company from Denmark, They have created example frames uder IAR and KEIL. I have imported project from Keil but with a lot off problem finally I hjave solved it but now I cannot devode hex file to internal flash and external flash binary files.

best regards


November 24, 2015 - 9:57am
Etienne Cassin

Dear Piotr,

Sorry but I don't understand what you mean "devode".

Can be a path problem, you probably use some world that are not well recognize by Ride7. Try to simplify your path, do not add spaces and specific words like æ or ¿

Concerning the import of Keil project, I suggest you to read the application note"AN0063-How to use STM32Cube library with Ride.pdf

Best regards,

November 30, 2015 - 10:41pm
Piotr Darski

Dear Etienne,

it was missing letters. I was mentioned about dividing of Hex file. I will back to problem but for 1 month.

Fisrt of all I have to finish PCB then I will check it which version of softare use it, comercial or gcc, but indeed it is very deficult to add makefile from GFX Touch.

