Topic : Transferring LIcense

Forum : Ride IDE

Original Post
Post Information Post
September 14, 2016 - 5:37am
Craig Clark

I have the Rkit-STM8 & Rkit-ARM, but both are beyond thier support date. 

Should I still be able to install the software on a new PC(keeping to a version from before my support end date obviously) and use the serial activation, or can I not transfer my license in that way?

Post Information Post
September 16, 2016 - 8:51am
Etienne Cassin

Dear Craig,

You should be under valid support contract to transfer the ARM and/or STM8 node locked license.

If your license are not node locked (Rlink Lite or basic license ; USB dongle license) you can activate all computer you want (obvously you must activate a version which was under your valid support contract)

I hope it helps.

Best regards,