Topic : Error Code: 0xc0000139

Forum : Ride IDE

Original Post
Post Information Post
October 5, 2016 - 3:46pm
Jan Burkhardt


i tried to make a sample projekt with the Ride7 on Win10. I et the following Error Message.

Building C:\Raisonance\Ride\Examples\C816\C\sine\sample.c

due to missing C:\Raisonance\Ride\Examples\C816\C\sine\sample.o

Running: C816 Compiler

"c816-gcc.exe" -MD "C:\Raisonance\Ride\Examples\C816\C\sine\sample.c" -o "C:\Raisonance\Ride\Examples\C816\C\sine\sample.o" -I "." -I "C:/Raisonance/Ride/GNU/c816-gcc/C816/INCLUDE" -I "C:/Raisonance/Ride//Lib/C816/templates" -c -funsigned-char -gdwarf-2 -Os -fno-inline -msoftcall -mpage0-mvs=none -BC:\Raisonance\Ride\GNU/c816-gcc/lib/gcc-lib/

Error Code: 0xc0000139

Build failed

I already change the GCC to 4.4 by running the Batchfile.

What am i doing wrong??


Post Information Post
October 6, 2016 - 2:30pm
Etienne Cassin


First of all, please rebbot your computer and compile again adding "-v" GCC compiler options/More/More compiler options. Could you provide the entire buildlog?

on a second time,we will need to do a clean uninstalling using a small application (

This application will remove all Ride installation (maybe you installed two different version that are in conflict). Trash all Raisonance folder (save your project on another directory to avoid to lose some important data).

Then install again Ride7 7.6015.0327 and RKit-C816 in C:\Raisonance\Ride

Note: you should avoid path name with spaces and/or parenthesis, also the “program file” folder which can be write protected.

On a prompt command type “echo %PATH%” and check for the different path:

  1. C:\Raisonance\ Ride\bin
  2. C:\Raisonance\ Ride\GNU\C816-GCC\bin

Check also if there are no other cygwin*.dll on your hard disc

add "-v" in  GCC compiler options/More/More compiler options

rename Cygwin1.dll from C:\Raisonance\Ride\bin and compile an example provided in Ride7. Does the error message changed? Could you send us both entire error message?

You have to check also if all folder from your application are not write protected and if you don’t have other C816-gcc installed on your PC.

If these modification doesn’t work, could you provide me a list of files from C:\Raisonance\Ride\bin?

October 6, 2016 - 2:54pm
Jan Burkhardt

OK, problem solved!

other cygwin*.dll file on hard disc found. Uninstalling of the other IDE and disable write protection solved the problem!

October 7, 2016 - 10:32am
Etienne Cassin

great news ;)