Topic : Need to build project via command line Windows

Forum : Ride IDE

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December 11, 2017 - 9:47am
M Nanda Kurniawan


I need to build project via command line. Hopefully, the result will be same like when I choose "Project" -> "Build Project" (OR Ctrl+Alt+F7) in Ride7 IDE. Can I do that?

I have try r7_clang, but not compile and I try "Ride7 -project=[project_name.rprj] -command=build", but only open the GUI without any output / messages.

Thank you.

Best regards,


Post Information Post
December 11, 2017 - 5:27pm
Lamjed Mtimet


Thank You for using Raisonance products

You can execute code that automates tasks with ride using JScript.

The Ride 7 documentation will give you more details : help-> view Documentation -> Automation in Ride 7.

Best Regards,


December 12, 2017 - 4:08am
M Nanda Kurniawan

Hi AmJed,

Thanks for the information. I will start to see that JScript usage for the process.

Best regards,


December 12, 2017 - 8:04am
M Nanda Kurniawan


I have tried sample JS from Ride installation folder. Then, I have further questions:

  1. Can we prevent the GUI to appear?
  2. Or, if the GUI will still appear, can it closed automatically after the process has done?
  3. Can we avoid using absolute path for input parameter inputProject in "Project.ProjectOpen(inputProject)" (I use Windows 7) ?

Thank you.

Best regards,


June 18, 2018 - 11:48pm
Robert Mark

To build a project via command line Windows, the user needs to access the path variables and then go to the system and the go to the environmental variable and select the path variable. Add the batch script into the opened path variable and then compile them. 

This can help you, if not then contact Dell tech support