
RKit-ARM (Released 2011/04/26)

New targets:

. STM32F2x
. LM3Sxxx
. LPC17xx
. LPC13xx


. New BE option in Cortex_pgm, for erasing only if Flash is not blank.
. Add option for linking C++ libraries and one C++ example.


. When using a non-default linker script, the automatic startup file
selection was failing on STM32.
. The debug information was sometimes out of sync between the debugger
and the running code, potentially causing C-level debugging to show
erroneous source code lines while debugging.
. STM32F103xG programming was failing on some cuts of the device.
. The inventory of the STM32F107-DB connections (by I/O port) in the
REva_User_Guide_STM32.pdf document has been corrected.
. The simulation of Thumb-2 instructions was not correctly performing
The 1-bit logical shift right operations (form SRType_RRX): The carry
flag was not taken into account. This problem has only an impact on
simulation, not on debug.
. The simulation of Thumb-2 instructions LDMIA/LDMFD was not correctly
loading the registers. This problem has only an impact on simulation,
not on debug.
. STM32L peripheral registers views corrected and improved.


. 'Volatile pointers' option removed as the -fvolatile switch isn't
supported by GCC anymore.

RKit-ARM (Released 2011/12/01)

New targets:

. STM32L15x
. STM32F100xC/D/E


. GCC Compiler toolchain upgraded to GCC 4.5.1.
. Documentation subsystem reworked.
. Open4 / EvoPrimer support added.
. Trace capability through the Serial Wire Viewer protocol (on
Open4-PRO and EvoPrimer-PRO only).


. The simulator was not properly handling the ITTT Thumb-2 assembly
instruction. This was leading to invalid floating-point
multiplication results in simulation mode.
. Minor corrections in variables watching.
. Corrections in memory management. (to avoid memory leaks)
. Corrections in USB driver management. (to avoid blue screen)


. The precompiled libraries are NOT available on STM32 anymore. This
is due to the fact that the ST Libraries are not backward-compatible
between recent versions and the version 2.0.3 that was used for the
precompiled facility.
Note that the precompiled libraries for STR7 and STR9 are STILL

RKit-ARM (Released 2010/05/17)


. STM32F103xG (1MB Flash) devices support added.


. Local variables are now properly displayed.
. Fixed handling multiple spaces in dependency files names.
. Fixed a crash of the USB driver occurring under Windows XP when
there is a conflict with other Jungo-based USB devices.
. Corrected the Dump and Verify commands on NXP ARM7 devices (LPC2x).

RKit-ARM (Released 2010/04/09)

New targets:

. LPC17xx
. STM32F100x


. Debugger now properly displays 64 bit double.
. STM32103 high density TIMER1&Timer8, USB, ADC2&ADC3, CAN PDKGEN view
could be empty.
. AFIO specific bits, which ar undefined value after a reading, have
been removed from peripheral view.
. Using ARM7_pgm.exe Blank-Check command did not report blank status
correctly. It always reported "NOT blank".
. Using ARM7_pgm.exe Blank-Check command did not display status report.
. Using ARM7_pgm.exe Blank-Check command status report was appearing
in place of errors of following commands if there were some.
. Verify command did not ignore addresses 14 to 17 as it should
for the checksum vector.
. Sometimes local variable display could be wrong depnding on the order
of source files.
. "Write Flash" button in the "Debug Options" window of Ride for the
STM32 RLink debugger was launching execution for a few milliseconds
before asking user if execution should be launched or not.
. Flash Programming failed for smaller LPC213x and LPC214x devices,
and for the last sector of the bigger ones.
. Corrected e_stio sources in order to avoid possible error


. STM32103 high density TIMER1&Timer8, USB, ADC2&ADC3, CAN peripherals
view could be empty.
. DAC PDKGEN view for derivatives which have one.
. A test before running any gcc arm tool has been added.
If the variable GNU_EXEC_PREFIX is found a message is displaid to
inform that a conflict might happens and what to do in this case.
. Cortex_pgm: add BC and X options for returning error code
when blank-check finds non-blank flash or when verify finds flash
different from file.

RKit-ARM (Released 2009/09/15)


. JTAG protocol was not working anymore with Cortex ARM targets.

RKit-ARM (Released 2009/09/09)

New targets:

. STM32F105R8T6, STM32F105V8T6, STM32F107RBT6, STM32F107VBT6,
STM32F107RCT6 STM32F107VCT6, STM32F107R8T6, STM32F107V8T6.


. It is now possible to view all the internal STM32 clock frequencies in
real-time debug. This feature is available from the Ride7
"Reset/Clock" peripheral in the debug window (for STM32 devices only)
. Some linker options in the libraries (such as the printf type) have
been grouped altogether to enhance ease-of-use.
. STM32 library version 3.1.0 has been added to RKit-ARM.
By default the startup to use is selected automatically depending on
the target if use old ST library option is not selected.
. Precompiled ST Firmware library is only available in version 2.3.0.
Although the library 3.1.0 is available from libARM, its
source files (.c an d .h files) must be manually copied to your
projects in order to use them.
Old projects that use precompiled library v2.3.0 can still use it,
but its use is not recommended. Old projects should be ported to the
ST Firmware Library 3.1.0.
. CircleOS version has been updated to version 3.8


. The dependencies between .c and .h files could forget the first
dependency when its full file name length is larger than 80
characters. This comes from the way GCC handles the dependencies with
a different syntax when handling long file names.

RKit-ARM (Released 2009/06/04)


. When creating a new project selecting a primer as target the file
application.c was not compiling anymore.
. Corrected example STM32_MemsToLCD project option, uart0 putchar
library is needed to be able to use sprintf.

RKit-ARM (Released 2009/06/02)

New targets:

. LPC2101, LPC2102, LPC2103, LPC2104, LPC2105, LPC2106, LPC2109
LPC2114, LPC2119, LPC2124, LPC2131, LPC2132, LPC2134, LPC2136
LPC2141, LPC2142, LPC2144, LPC2146, LPC2157, LPC2157, LPC2194
LPC2361, LPC2362, LPC2364, LPC2365, LPC2366, LPC2367, LPC2377
LPC2361, LPC2362, LPC2364, LPC2365, LPC2366, LPC2367, LPC2368
LPC2387, LPC2388, LPC2458, LPC2478.


. More options has been added to allow users to increase compilation
speed. These options under "GCC compiler->Compiler Output->" concern
listing file, size information, and dependencies file actualization.


. Fixes compatibility issue between new Ride7 version and
RKit-ARM version 1.18.0903 concerning dwf2xml utillitiy.

RKit-ARM 1.18.0903 (Released 2009/04/02)

New targets:

. LPC2129, LPC2138, LPC2148, LPC2378, LPC2387, LPC2468 from NXP


. Project build speed improved.
. Ride7 does not write anymore under software install directory.
It create link script files in the project directory.
. Ride7 and RFlasher7 can load hexfiles into the simulator
or the target memory's with an offset (for bootloaders & DFU).
. ARM specific options like interwork or thumb have been changed
from project option to assembler, compiler and linker options.
. Programming several targets with the same PC is allowed with any


. Fixes default startup files systick vector definition.
. No error message anymore when creating new CircleOS project.
. Fixes debug issues in RAM mode for STRx derivatives
when interrupts were not enabled.

RKit-ARM 1.12.0809 (Released 2008/10/24)

. Better handling of large projects.

RKit-ARM 1.10.0000 (Released 2008/07/24)

New Supported Microcontrollers:

. STM32xxEx ARM Cortex-M3 core-based microcontrollers from


. Operates on Windows Vista 64-bit platforms
. Update of gcc/CodeSourcery to version 4.2.3
. Integration of new STM32 library v2.0.1 from STMicroelectronics
CAUTION: Use of this library requires some adaptation in the sources
of the applications written with previous versions of Ride7. For more
information, see the ST website, which includes information about
migrating from V1.x to V2.
. New libraries printf, putchar and sbrk functions are separated, so it
is possible to use printf without other libraries and the for malloc.
. New library version including:
o putchar
o printf-small
o Precompiled ST libraries
o CircleOS for sync with the new version of the STM32 lib (and

SECTION 3 Known limitations

. Programming several targets at the same time on a single PC may not
always work as expected. Depending on the machine 1 to 5 concurrent
programmation sessions can be launched.

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