Q: The registration seems to work fine, but the tools are still in "demo" mode. What can I do ?
A: If the files called actus00.dll and rp_<name_of_Rkit>.dll do not exist on the PC, or if their size is zero, then this is the cause of the problem.
Check in the RIDE/bin directory (or wherever you installed Ride7) if these files exist.
To restore these files you need to reinstall Ride7 and the RKit(s).
Sometimes actus00.dll is corrupted by a failed attempt to register automatically. If you suspect this is the reason for your problem (strange messages or suspiciously long connection times during the automatic registration), unistall all of the Raisonance software tools then, reinstall and try to activate the software again.
To uninstall the software, you can use the Raisonance Uninstall utility.